The SAM4s SAP-630R cash register is the best cash register for a convenience store for many different reasons. The number one reason is it fast. You will ring customers up quickly with a bar code scanner or the raised keyboard. The integrated touch screen makes it even easier to get customers through the line accurately. Number two reason is this system is self contained and DOES not require an internet connection to operate, no internet no problem! Number three is this system DOES not require a subscription, you can just buy it outright! Number four is the optional integrated tablet for adding new items, counting stock or even using as a register if you want. Number five is you can add an optional bar code printer to print shelf tags or item tags directly at the register.
Find out more about what makes the SAM4s SAP-630R the best cash register for a convenience store and just how affordable this system is call us at 800-863-2274