Thursday, July 21, 2011

SAM4s Cash Registers

We were told today that Sharp was going to discontinue two of it's popular cash register models. No word yest if they will be replaced with new models or just going away for good?

SAM4s continues to lead the industry with new models and powerful features while the other name bramd cash register companies are retreating. SAM4s is talking about new models coming out very soon and I for one can't wait to see what models they come up with. Stay tuned......


dallen8212 said...

Can someone help me? I have a Sams4 ER-290 cash register. The stamp isn't printing on the receipt. The register is set to print customer receipts.

I have a red/black ribbon is the printer and found out since then that it should be a solid purple ribbon. I'm wondering if the ribbon I'm using is too narrow and the stamp is printing above the ribbon.

You can email me at if you can help me. Thankx!!

Dave said...

You may have that machine programmed to print a journal only and in that case it will not print. Look through the programming to see if there is an option for turning that on. Or are you saying it stamps but it is not dark enough to read?

Also the ribbon you are using probably is the two color version of the correct ribbon. It will work fine and not inpact the logo stamp. The logo stamp is self inked and gets nothing from the ribbon. Get the correct ribbon when you get a chance.

SAM4s Cash Register

migter said...

I have a sps-500 series and I need to change the time on the register can someone tell me how to do it. Please. Thanks

Dave said...

The date and time setting are pretty simple however the setting is found under the X mode not in programming

Date Time Setting
1.Turn the key lock to the X position.
2.Touch X MODE PGM and then touch DATE TIME SETTING. The RTC SETTING (real time
clock) screen displays.
Input the Date/Time in MMDDYYYYHHMMSS format. Touch OK.

back to the register mode and you should be good.

SAM4s Cash Registers