Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SAM4s ER-285 Cash Register

The SAM4s ER-285M is a very cool register. Although it has a flat keyboard it really is a good machine for a retail store that want bar code scanning. Capable of thousands of UPC's and including software the machine at it's price level can't be beat. It is a commercial grade machine featuring serial ports, optional credit card interface, gift card interface, scale interface, DVR interface and more. Here is a link for the best price on the SAM4s ER-285M Cash Register


Unknown said...

Good afternoon. I Have a sam4s er-285, and now the register is always in mode void even when I turn the key to off,reg... and if I try to register something it appear in the screen error plu without data (the register is portuguese, i don't now if the error is the same in english, in portuguese itsay "Erro plu s/dados)

Dave said...

Gabriel, your SAM4s ER-285M cash register sounds like it is in the void mode because you did not finish a transaction started with the key turned to void. Return the K to the void mode and press cash that should close that transaction and allow you to move forward.

SAM4s ER-285M cash register