Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The SAM4s ER-290 is no longer available

Cash Register
SAM4s ER-290 cash register

The SAM4s ER-290 is a good entry level cash register, however it has now been retired. Simple little machine that uses bond paper and a spool to spool ribbon was never a widely popular machine, however it had it's place and we sold quite a few. If you want to stay with bond paper instead of thermal you don't have many choices. Matter of fact you only have one choice and it is the SAM4s ER-5115-II which is the only machine on the market that does not use thermal paper.

SAM4s ER-5115-II
SAM4s ER-5115II
The SAM4s ER-5115II is the last machine on the market I'm aware of that will validate still. I know not many people need that feature any longer but if you do this is your only choice.

If you need any help selecting a cash register please give us a call at 1-800-863-2274

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